Monday 31 October 2011

Oxford Street and Roast Chicken

Yesterday I did pretty much nothing. I ventured out to John Lewis to get some household items and that was so stressful that I happily stayed in for the rest of the day. When did Oxford Street become so busy on a Sunday? The roadworks do not help with navigating through the crowds either. It was pretty horrendous and in the end I had to control the urge to run people over with my buggy! Oh I did do something else yesterday; I cooked! That is not something I do often so when I do I always feel like I should be getting a gold star. Having said that Mr W is so pleased when I do that it does feel like getting one. I made a roast chicken and if I may say so it was not too bad... I followed a Jamie Oliver recipe that I found online. I even managed to make a nice gravy following Mother In Law's instructions. Maybe I am a tiny tiny little bit of domesticated after all....

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